●PDC 与牙轮切削轮廓匹配优化,发挥牙轮减扭、降扭作用,提高钻头滑动导向工具面可控性;
●切削结构力平衡设计分析,提高钻头工作稳定性,减少钻头粘-滑效应,增强钻头导 向性能;
●钻头多点规径、保径均衡定位与扶正结构设计,提高钻头稳定性,以及其在造斜、稳 斜钻进中的适应性。
·Optimization of PDC and roller cutting profiles to enhance the foller function of torque reduction,improving the controllability of the drill bit's sliding guide surface.
·Analysis of cutting structure force balance design to improve the stability of the drill bit,reduce the stick-slip effect,and enhance the directional performance of the drill bit.
·Combination of shorter gauge design and active/passive gauge retention to improve the build-uprate,lateral cutting performance,and directional controllability of the drill bit.
·Design of multi-point gauge and gauge retention balancing positioning and stabilization structureto improve the stability of the drill bit and its adaptability in directional drilling.
尺寸范围Size Range:5%”~17V”
地层 Formation | 岩性 Lithology | 钻头选型Bits Selection |
软 Soft | 砂泥岩、页岩、泥灰岩 Sandstone,Shale,Marlstone | H4192H、H4162D、H3193D、H3163D |
中 Medium | 灰岩、砂岩、砂砾岩 Limestone,Sandstone,Conglomerate | H4192D、H4162D、H3193D、H3163D |
硬 Hard | 凝灰岩、花岗岩、粉砂岩、白云岩 Tuff,Granite,Siltstone,Dolomite | H4192D、H4162D、H3193D、H3163D、H6163D |
蜀ICP备2023021247号-1 技术支持:亿速科技